The Author

Jenn Kowell grew up in the mountain village of Sterling Run, Pennsylvania, where she spent her childhood exploring the great outdoors and befriending every animal she met (whether they wanted to be friends or not).

When she’s not weaving whimsical children’s stories about animals, you can find her tending to her garden, curating books for her local Little Free Library, or chasing after her three golden retrievers—Nellie, Hugo, and Edna—who firmly believe they own the house.

Jenn also shares her backyard with six delightfully opinionated chickens: Piper, Alex, Nicky, Crazy Eyes, Taystee, and Red. She suspects they may be plotting something, but so far, they refuse to spill the beans, though their feed is a different matter.

When she’s not at home with her feathery and furry companions, Jenn is often off on adventures with her family, especially if they involve theme parks, roller coasters, or a really good funnel cake.

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